The photography guide to Italy Tuscany
48 photo spots 228 inspiring images 22 contributors

Tuscany photography guide

Our contributors have added 48 photo spots to this Tuscany photo guide. Have you discovered an amazing new location in Tuscany?

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Tuscan landscapes, old villages and historical cities have always attracted photographers and other artists such as painters and writers. Still Tuscany (Toscana) remains high on a list for many landscape photographers and is one of the most photographed places in Italy. For a good reason. 

This guide focuses on most popular locations in Central Tuscany, more precisely in the area from Val d'Orcia on the south to Sienna in the north. And some amazing spots in between. This will satisfy first time visitor to Tuscany as it gives us the most photographed, the most iconic locations plus a handful of hidden gems. 

But Tuscany is not only this guide, avid photographers will explore areas more to the south as well as farther north towards Florence  and Chianti region. 

Most popular Tuscany photo spots


The closest international airport is at Florence (Firenze), the Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci. It is possible to fly in to Pisa or Rome as well and then hire a rental car and drive to Tuscany. 

Exploring Tuscany and getting between photo locations is best done with car. The roads are good and once you get out of big cities relatively relaxed and empty. It is advisable to use some sort of navigation system (Google maps app works well) as there are many road turns without signposts. Note that most petrol stations in the countryside are self service, without staff.

A good idea is to book accommodation somewhere between San Quirico d'Orcia and Pienza. This way most photo spots are within half hour drive. It is easy to make a morning and evening photo session and have ample time in between for rest, sightseeing and sampling local food and wine. Farm stays (agriturismo) are usually the best value and nicest experience.

If you like cities, Sienna is a gem of a city - not so overwhelming like Florence, but it has this city vibe that many small towns lack. Sienna itself is also very photogenic and historically interesting. Not to mention delicious food, wine and gelato.


The farmlands of Tuscany are mostly about landscape photography. One can find subjects randomly, just driving around or visiting a particular spot for that iconic shot. All this is pretty straightforward but here are a few things to consider.

Respect the private land. Do not park in private places, do not walk into private places or into farm fields (this is not an issue during off season then there are no crops).

Some of the iconic locations are very popular among photographers and it can happen that there will be several workshop groups. With a little patience, respect and friendliness there is enough room for everyone. Do not encourage improper behaviour or follow others who do that. Keep in mind that no photo is worth ruining the place or upsetting locals or fellow photographers. 

Many locations can be great both at sunrise and sunset and it makes sense to visit more than once. Often the light will be changing rapidly, especially during spring and early summer when the air is saturated and there are often afternoon storms. This is a good time to be on location. 

When to go

Spring is by far most popular season among photographers. May is the best month to go for vivid colours, wildflowers and fresh green fields. But even earlier in season, April can be rewarding especially when there are less tourists. 

Avoid high summer, July and August are hot and busy and the light is less favourable. 

Autumn can be great too, but do not expect fresh green fields and poppy flowers! This season can be great if you combine it with Autumn colours among the vineyards of Chianti. Mid October to early November is the time to go.


Explore more photo spots in Italy

If you want to explore beyond Tuscany, we have 595 photo spots and 3 events that you can visit in Italy.

Curated By

Luka Esenko Team
I love travelling with Neja (my wife), Brin and Fran (my little boys) and of course my camera. Having established and run my own photography workshop and tour company since 2008, creating PhotoHound has been a fantastic experience - building an app that brings all kinds of photographers around the world together to share something that I feel so passionate about.
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VOJTa Herout Curator
"My photography is a reflection of my view of reality; a crop of the world around me I am a witness of..."
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