Spain Girona Cathedral - Exterior

7 images 1 contributors Shoot freely

Gert Lucas

About this spot
The Girona Cathedral, known locally as the "Catedral de Santa Maria de Girona" or "Girona Cathedral of Saint Mary," is a magnificent Gothic cathedral located in the historic center of Girona, Catalonia, Spain. It is one of the most iconic and important landmarks in the city and holds great historical and architectural significance.
The history of the Girona Cathedral dates back to the Romanesque period, with the construction of the cathedral beginning in the 11th century. It was built over the site of a former mosque and on the remains of an earlier Christian church. The cathedral underwent significant modifications and expansions over the centuries, resulting in the stunning Gothic structure that we see today.

The Girona Cathedral is primarily Gothic in style, characterized by its pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses. The Gothic elements are especially prominent in the nave and transept. However, the cathedral also features Romanesque, Baroque, and neoclassical elements due to various renovations and additions over time.

The main facade of the cathedral is an impressive example of Catalan Gothic architecture. It is adorned with intricate sculptures, including scenes from the Bible, saints, and various religious motifs. The main entrance is framed by a stunning rose window.

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