Beguinage of Kortrijk

9 images 1 contributors Shoot freely

Gert Lucas

About this spot
The Begijnhof Kortrijk dates back to the 13th century when it was established as a beguinage, a community of laywomen known as beguines. Beguines were devout women who lived a religious and contemplative life without taking formal vows, allowing them to maintain personal property and freedom.

The Begijnhof features a unique architectural layout that is typical of traditional Flemish beguinages. It consists of small, whitewashed houses or cottages, built in a uniform style, surrounding a central green space or courtyard. The design aimed to create a sense of community while also providing individual living spaces for the beguines.

The Begijnhof Kortrijk has retained its tranquil ambiance throughout the centuries, making it a serene and charming place to visit. It's a delightful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The Begijnhof Kortrijk, along with other Flemish beguinages, is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This designation acknowledges the beguinages' historical importance and their cultural significance as representations of an alternative form of religious and communal life in medieval Europe.

The Begijnhof Kortrijk is open to the public, allowing visitors to explore the picturesque streets, gardens, and historical architecture.

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