Image of Båstnäs Bilkyrkogård (Car Cemetery) by Linda Hansson

Image of Båstnäs Bilkyrkogård (Car Cemetery) by Linda Hansson

The vegetation is taking over what once was lost. The cars appear in several hundreds. Stacked upon each other or lined up the forrest is filled with relics from another era.

Linda Hansson

Båstnäs Bilkyrkogård (Car Cemetery)

Date Taken2019-05-17 16:18:25
ModelNIKON D750
LensAF-S Zoom-Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
Focal Length16
F Stop8
SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 11.2 (Macintosh)
Contributed2022-04-14 16:04:10

Images of Båstnäs Bilkyrkogård (Car Cemetery)

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